Your home/condo/boat insurance may be null and void if your property remains vacant for as little as three days...and then a pipe bursts...the hot water tank leaks...the bilge pump fails or there is a vermin infestation..and you're responsible, NOT the insurance company!
Taken directly from the TD Insurance website:
How often should your house &/or boat be checked when you are away?
Your insurer may require your home and boat to be checked
regularly while you're away to confirm your eligibility for specific
coverage, like water damage, stays intact. That's because if something
happens while you're on vacation, like a burst pipe for
example, the resulting damage could be significantly worse if it's
discovered days - or weeks - later. In addition, regular checks on your
home/boat can give the appearance that it's still occupied, which may reduce
the risk of break-ins. Not only could this help guarantee that
you're not returning to a big headache at home after a relaxing
vacation, it'll also help to ensure that there are no gaps in your home
policy coverage.