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Greater Victoria Yard Maintenance

Avoid that "abandoned home" look!
Victoria yard maintenance

Leave With Ease yard maintenance services can include:

  • lawn mowing

  • edge trimming

  • shrub pruning

  • blowing of sidewalks & driveway for that finished look

  • watering & weeding of plants & gardens

  • exterior home check for broken windows, locked doors, and plugged downspouts.

...and of course we supply all the equipment to get the job done!

We would love the opportunity to check out your property with you and give you a quote on the services you require.

Please send us an email and let's arrange for a convenient time to meet.

Leave With Ease yard maintenance services are currently available in Sidney, North Saanich, Central Saanich, Sannichton, Brentwood Bay and Saanich north of Royal Oak.

Prices are $45.00/hr.

You can always just give us a call!

Please Call Now